What is the “Free Range Classroom”?

Well that is a good question.

“Free Range” is not a new concept. Most of us are familiar with the marketing term, which denotes a method of farming where animals roam freely for food, rather than being confined and fed.

More recently, concerns about “over-parenting” have led to a  “Free Range Kids” movement, where, “children, like chickens, are encouraged to live a life outside the cage.” ~Lenore Skenazy

So, mirroring this idea of  “un-caging”, the Free Range Classroom is not confined to a room or curriculum.  It defies conformity,  introduces & incorporates as many paths to, and forms of literacy as possible  & establishes an environment that effectively & wholly supports children and young people as they learn how to think critically, explore, learn and actively create a well-rounded, meaningful life for themselves, in and out of the classroom.

It is learning that balanced and follows its own natural rhythm and is not too conventional yet not “new age”.

A Free Range Classroom is one in which every moment is a learning moment.

Whether at home, school or the workplace, the micro-managed, overprotected, over-taught life is suffocating, not to mention de-motivating and boring. Children will respond to this boredom by doing everything they can to break free from and enliven, including exhibiting so-called “inappropriate” behaviors. These behaviors are commonly misread & misunderstood, and give us insight into how effective we are as a parent or educator, rather than indicating a child’s willful “non-compliance”.

Its no secret that our education system is flawed and teachers are often thrown under the bus (excuse the pun) and blamed for student behavior & failures. Classroom educators, in turn, and in the spirit of not alienating themselves from co-workers and administrators, blame ineffective or non-existent parenting for the academic, social and behavioral struggles they witness daily. Meanwhile, disconnected administrations, standardized testing companies, and local/federal government, continue to systematically chip away at the student-teacher bond with budget cuts, policies and practices that are difficult if not impossible to realistically implement. The result: angry parents, stressed teachers/staff, and uninspired students who are not learning or thriving anywhere near their potential, and every single one of us feels trapped-as if in our own  little cages.

The Free Range Classroom has been created to inspire, educate, encourage, support, break free of paradigms, and facilitate communication & cooperation, between educators, parents & students, for the purpose of taking back the reigns of education and the course of learning, and putting them safely in the hands of those who are best qualified to lead & make important curriculum and other educational decisions on behalf of our youth: the teachers, parents and students themselves .

The posts, articles, occasional personal rants and links deal with a variety of topics, relating not only to creative & effective “Free Range” methods of teaching & learning in the traditional, home school, outdoor & global classroom, but also with establishing personal& professional values, government policy updates, commentary, activity tutorials, workshop listings, and a range of resources that will help you support the various literacies of children and youth of all ages & abilities.

We hope you enjoy!

Barbara Gini

Educator & Author


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